Monday 21 September 2015


Zoetropes is another word for a little cinema.It was the earliest animation device that was invented by a British mathematician called William George Horner in 1834.A Zeotrope was originally called "daedalum" meaning the wheel of the devil.The zoetrope was very special because in 1834 it was rare to see animation and this is why the zoetrope was called "daedalum".A zoetrope is a drum with slits in it and it works by the drum rotating

The strengths of zoetropes are that because of its design it can be viewed by many people because it is round so people can gather around.But a con about the zoetrope is that it cant be viewed my a mass amount of people and that means you would have to take turns to see what animation is being shown by the rotation of the zoetrope.

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